Natalie Watermeyer | Creative Feel Magazine: Kai Lossgott’s video artwork, Small and Common Matters, interrogates ‘the small, everyday violences’ perpetuated by a certain mindset, and calls attention to that which we do not see.
Small and Common Matters is a 3-minute and 13-second video comprising found objects and images. ‘I stalk images… images in which you find that moment of almost falling apart, but still holding together – which I think is an emotional quality that speaks very much of our times,’ says Lossgott. These are captured using time-lapse photography, and accompanied by soundtrack that includes fragments of a lecture about dissecting a flower. …
Watermeyer, Natalie. 2015. Winner of the 2015 Barclays l’Atelièr: Kai Lossgott. Classic Feel Magazine. Johannesburg, South Africa.